Speaking at a White House press briefing on Saturday, press secretary Jen Psaki said the US and international partners have yet to recognize the Taliban.

“There is no rush for recognition of any sort by the United States or any international partners we have talked to,” Psaki said in response to a reporter’s question.

However, Psaki said the United States is coordinating with the Taliban to evacuate US nationals and eligible Afghans to third countries even after the August 31 deadline.

Psaki said US troops will leave Kabul airport by August 31.

“The president directed the Secretary of State to continue diplomatic efforts with international partners to secure means for third country nationals, Afghans with visas who may be eligible for our programs and of course any American citizens who remain in the country to leave the country even after the US military presence ends,” Psaki said.

When asked about President Biden’s pledge for hunting down those behind the Kabul airport attack, Psaki said the United States will target terrorists anywhere in the world.

On Thursday evening IS-K carried out two explosions outside Kabul airport in which over 170 people, including 13 American soldiers, were killed and over 200 people were wounded.

The explosions occurred among crowds of people queuing outside the airport who were attempting to leave the country.

In response to the attack, the US targeted a Daesh attack planner in the east of Afghanistan.

“U.S. military forces conducted an over-the-horizon counterterrorism operation today against an ISIS-K planner,” said Capt. Bill Urban, spokesman for the US Central Command, on Friday.

“The unmanned airstrike occurred in the Nangarhar province of Afghanistan,” said Capt. Urban. “Initial indications are that we killed the target. We know of no civilian casualties,” he said.


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