Taliban release TTP leaders and commanders from prisons

Taliban Prisoners/Thecorrespondent.pk

Almost 2300 men including key Taliban leaders and commanders have been released from Afghan prisons since the Taliban took over the country.

The former deputy chief of TTP, Maulana Faqir Mohammad, is among those released. This report was confirmed by TTP spokesperson Saleem Mehsud via his twitter.

Maulvi Faqir is known for having close ties with Al-Qaeda Cheif Ayman Al Zawahri. He was imprisoned in 2013 from province Kunar.

The Afghan Government had decided to release him in April but did not go forward with the plan.

Some other key commanders released are Baitullah Mehsud’s driver Commander Zali, Waqas Mehsud, Hamza Mehsud, Zarqawi Mehsud, Zaitullah Mehsud, Qari Hameedullah Mehsud, Dr Hameed Mehsud and Mazhar Mehsud.

The story was filed by the News Desk. The Desk can be reached at info@thecorrespondent.com.pk.


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