Taftan is a trunk road and railway town in Chagai District, Balochistan, Pakistan.

Pakistan on Friday again urged Iran to reopen the tax-free trade and travel corridors — known as Zero Point and Rahdari Gate — at the Taftan border.

During a meeting with his Iranian counterpart at Rahari Gate, the Assistant Commissioner (AC) discussed local residents’ suffering, owing to prolonged closure of trade and travel gates in Taftan, a small town near the Pakistan-Iran border in Chagai district.

Earlier local traders, customs clearing agents and representatives of various political parties called for reopening of the entry point on the border with Iran at Taftan, as business was suffering leaving thousands unemployed. 

Muhammad Raza Ekhwan, the Marzban Grade-2 of Iranian border town Mir Javeh, assured the Assistant Comission that the issue would be taken up with the concerned authorities and positive news was expected in this regard, sources said.

Talking to Dawn, AC Taftan said he had also sent a letter mentioning the latest meeting to Marzban Grade-1 and requested him to allow the resumption of tax-free trade and travel activities under the 1958 agreement signed between Pakistan and Iran.

Pakistani officials have had made several similar requests in the past, but these could not be met despite assurances by the Iranian officials.

Meanwhile, a protest rally was held in Taftan against the prolonged closure of trade and travel corridors. Haji Khuda-e-Nazar, the president of Taftan Labour Union, led the rally.


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