Power generation jumped by 10.3% YoY to 11,296 GWh (15,183 MW) in Oct’2021 in comparison with 10,243 GWh (13,767 MW) during Oct’20 owing to increased generation from nuclear, Furnace Oil (FO), and wind.

According to the monthly power production data released by the National Electric Power Authority (NEPRA) on Saturday during 10MCY21, the aggregate power generation saw an increase of 8.5% YoY to 23,571 GWh against 21,724 GWh recorded during the same period last year.

As per a report issued by Arif Habib Limited (AHL), power generation through nuclear, FO, wind, solar, and High-Speed Diesel (HSD) jumped by 95%, 8.0x, 38%, 0.2%, and 8.7x YoY, respectively. However, Re-gasified liquefied natural gas (RLNG), hydel, coal, gas, and bagasse-based generation dropped by 5%, 17%, 2%, 5%, and 68% YoY, respectively.

In terms of sources, the share of RLNG in power generation was the largest during Oct’21, as it accounted for 24% (2,703 GWh) of total electricity with a fuel cost of Rs16.75/KWh. The price of RLNG soared by 125% YoY to Rs2,715/MMBtu.

Hydel accounted for around 23% (2,627 GWh) of total electricity with power generated through hydropower plants.

Coal-fired power sector plants made up a share of 17%, with 1,886 GWh at a rate of Rs11.37KWh, whereas, Nuclear contributed 12% (1,393 GWh) of electricity. Generation from FO was 1,229 GWh (11% of total generation) at a fuel cost of Rs21.23 per KWh.

In the midst of soaring RLNG, coal, FO, and gas-based cost of generation, the fuel cost of the power sector jumped by 2.26x YoY to Rs6.80/KWh during the month under review.


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