PML-N Vice President Maryam Nawaz called out Prime Minister Imran Khan on Wednesday for his controversial statement which linked women’s dressing to rising cases of sexual violence. 

Criticising Imran Khan’s controversial remarks in a press conference in Lahore, Maryam Nawaz said “Imran Khan’s statement is reflection of a criminal mindset. He has revealed his shallow thinking to the nation”.

Earlier, Imran Khan said in an interview with ‘Axios on HBO’. “If a woman is wearing very few clothes, it will have an impact on the men, unless they are robots. It’s just common sense … This is cultural imperialism. Whatever is acceptable in our culture, must be accepted everywhere else. It’s not,” 

Maryam said that by blaming those who are already victims of a violent incident premiere Imran Khan’s statement is insulting victims of rape and adding insult to injury for parents of the victims. Further adding that Pakistan needs freedom from such a mentality. 

The PML-N leader pointed out the absurdity of premier’s statement by asking whether little children are also subjected to sexual abuse because of their dressing. 

“They will be ashamed as you (prime minister) have held them responsible,” she said. 

PPP Chairperson Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari, had also taken a similar position, saying that women’s dress has nothing to do with violence that she is subjected to.  

While speaking to media at parliament on Tuesday, PPP chairman said that PM Imran Khan remarks were “disappointing”. He noted that crimes related to sexual violence should not be linked to a single cause like clothes. 


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