Prime Minister Imran has cancelled all his prior commitments today to summon an important meeting of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf’s Parliamentary Board, according to sources. The meeting will address the objections raised within the party on the list of candidates finalised for the upcoming Senate elections, and review the names of the potential candidates nominated.

Governor Punjab Mohammad Sarwar has reportedly reached Islamabad on a special flight to attend the meeting.

The Prime Minister had met with senior party leaders on Monday to discuss the issue, and suggested that there may be changes in the prior decisions regarding Senate candidates. He had emphasised that tickets would be granted to candidates based on merit.

PTI’s local chapters have shown displeasure over the decisions taken by the central party leadership, and urged them to reconsider the Senate candidates. Earlier, after backlash, PTI withdrew the Balochistan candidacy of business tycoon Abdul Qadir and granted a ticket to Zahoor Agha instead.

PTI’s Sindh chapter has issues with the candidacy of Saifullah Abro and Federal Minister Faisal Vawda, while the party’s Khyber Pakhtunkhwa chapter has raised issue with the selection of Najibullah Khattak.


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