Prime Minister Imran Khan has paid tributes to the martyrs of the July 13, 1931, massacre of innocent Kashmiris and assured them that Pakistan stands by their brethren through thick and thin.

The prime minister took to Twitter to commemorate 90th Kashmir Martyrs’ Day. On this day troops of Dogra ruler of Kashmir opened fire on peaceful protesters as a result of which 22 people martyred.

Prime Minister Imran wrote in his message that “we stand with Kashmiris on Kashmir Martyrs’ Day & pay tribute to 22 Shuhada of 13 July 1931, martyred when the Dogra Maharaja’s soldiers fired on peaceful protestors. Kashmiris’ struggle against tyranny & illegal Indian Occupation is steeped in a history of resistance & sacrifice.”

He praised Kashmiris’ spirit of resistance and said that Pakistan stands with their brethren in their just struggle.

The prime minister wrote: “This indomitable spirit of resistance remains alive as Kashmiri men & women continue to fight illegal Indian Occupation. Pakistan stands with the Kashmiris in their just struggle & will not compromise till they get their right to self determination guaranteed by UNSC resolutions.


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