In the last 24 hours, the highest number of coronavirus deaths occurred in Punjab, followed by Sindh, reported the National Command and Operation Centre. On 29 December, 2155 people tested COVID-19 positive in the country, with 55 people losing their lives in the last 24 hours.

Pakistan has seen 10047 deaths so far; Sindh: 3520, Punjab: 3982, KP: 1627, Islamabad: 415, Balochistan: 182, GB: 101 and AJK with 220 deaths.

Currently, as of 30 December, the total number of active COVID-19 cases in Pakistan are 37,080. On 29 December, a collective number of 36,390 tests were conducted; Sindh: 13,092, Punjab: 14,112, Khyber Pakhtunkhua (KP): 4,022, Islamabad: 4,175, Balochistan: 384, Gilgit-Baltistan (GB): 325 and Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) with 280 tests.

430,113 people recovered so far across Pakistan, with no patients on ventilators in AJK, GB and Balochistan. A total of 477,240 cases have been detected so far; AJK 8241, Balochistan 18118, GB 4855, Islamabad 37556, KP 57982, Punjab 137295 and Sindh at 213193 cases.

A total of 6,656,373 tests have been conducted in the country, while there are currently 626 hospitals with COVID-19 facilities with 2,714 patients admitted across the country.


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