A day after the electric shock, the Pakistanis were blown by a petrol bomb as the PTI-led government on Saturday increased petrol price by Rs10.49 per liter and of high-speed diesel (HSD) by Rs12.44.

From today, the new price of petrol will be Rs137.79 and HSD Rs134.48, according to a notification by the Finance Division.

Similarly, after an increase of Rs8.84, light-speed diesel will sell at Rs108.35 per liter.

Kerosene’s price has risen to Rs110.26 per liter after an increase of Rs10.95.

It may be recalled that OGRA had proposed an increase in the price of petrol by Rs 5.90 per liter but the government stabbed the nation with a double-digit increase.

On Friday the federal cabinet increased the price of electricity.


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