Streets and roads all across the country are adorned with the green and white displays to commemorate the day when the country was declared independent in 1947 after a long indigenous struggle against the British colonial rule for a separate Muslim state in sub-continent.
Number of stalls displaying national flags, bunting, pin badges, green and white balloons, dresses, toys and other accessories have sprung up.
The government of Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) has renewed its resolve to work with the spirit of Pakistan Movement to make the country a true Islamic welfare state.
Prime Minister Imran Khan said on the occasion, “we should not forget our Kashmiri brothers and sisters in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) struggling for their right to self-determination under extremely adverse circumstances marked by illegal Indian occupation and unspeakable repression.”
“Pakistan will continue to extend its full support to the Kashmiris in their just cause. Kashmiris are looking up to the international community to fulfil the promises made to them”, the premier added.
Addressing the Afghan issue, the PM said, “Pakistan will continue to support a negotiated political settlement for durable peace and stability in Afghanistan.”
Imran Khan finally urged the citizen to play their part in making Pakistan a “proud, prosperous and peaceful nation”.
In his Independence Day message, Punjab CM Usman Buzdar expressed solidarity with oppressed Kashmiris of Indian who illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir and asserted that no power on the earth could separate Kashmiris from Pakistan.
“Today, we also remember the martyrs and the nation should stand united for collective betterment while following the golden principles of unity, faith, and discipline of Quaid-e-Azam,” he added.
The chief minister said every citizen should pledge to make Pakistan great and prosperous with diligence.
Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Senator Prof. Dr. Mehr Taj Roghani said, “The Independence Day reminds us of the matchless struggle of the freedom fighters and our ancestors for the motherland against the oppression of the colonizers.”
Earlier at dawn thirty-one gun saluted in the Federal Capital and twenty-one gun saluted in the provincial headquarters. Prayers were offered for security and progress of Pakistan and well-being of the people.
President of Pakistan, Dr. Arif Alvi was the chief guest the national flag hoisting ceremony at the President House. Similar flag hoisting ceremonies is also to be held at provincial, divisional and district headquarters level throughout the country.
The President today will also confer Pakistan Civil Awards on 126 citizens and foreign nationals for showing excellence and courage in their respective fields.
Special security measures have been taken at major avenues across the country to enforce and maintain law and order during Independence Day celebrations.