Pakistan counsellor at the United Nations Saad Warraich has said that the Kashmiris want implementation of the resolutions of the Security Council on their inalienable right to self-determination.

Addressing the General Assembly in New York on Friday, he said Jammu and Kashmir is not a part of India; it never was and it never will be. India has no claim to the valley than that of an occupier.

In his speech, Saad said: “My delegation has requested the floor in response to the statement made by the representative of India.

“Let me put the record straight: Jammu and Kashmir is not a part of India; it never was and it never will be. India has no claim to Jammu and Kashmir than that of a military occupier.

“Like all oppressors, India continues to believe that it can subdue the legitimate Kashmiri resistance through brute force.

“The Kashmiri struggle for self-determination, Madam President, seeks to realise the implementation of the resolutions of the Security Council in exercise of their inalienable right to self-determination. No amount of empty rhetoric or dubious grandstanding by India can deprive Kashmiris of their right.

“Like all occupiers of the past, India will fail in its strategy to subdue and suppress the Kashmiri people. Kashmir will be free one day. This is not only a lesson of history; it is also an imperative of justice.

“Perhaps the Indian representative needs reminding that these are the resolutions of the very same organ whose permanent membership India covets with such drooling ambition.

“Instead of ‘tilting at windmills’, India would be better served to put its own house in order and to strive for regional peace, based on equality and mutual respect, and a peaceful settlement of all disputes,” Saad concluded.


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