ISLAMABAD: During a press briefing in Islamabad on Friday, the Spokesperson of the Foreign Office said that Pakistan is a peace-loving nation and will not initiate aggression, while it is India’s responsibility to undo policies that have led to the deterioration of bilateral relations.

The comment came in response to questions regarding the US intelligence report regarding the possibility of aggression from India in case of heightened tensions between India and Pakistan. 

The spokesperson informed that the first virtual summit between Prime Minister Imran Khan and President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev was held on 14 April 2021. Besides reviewing the entire spectrum of bilateral relations, the two leaders discussed regional and global issues of common interest.

“The two sides exchanged views on enhancing bilateral cooperation in the areas of trade and economy; security and defence; people-to-people exchanges; and connectivity. The progress on the Trans-Afghan Railway Line Project was also reviewed. The two sides also agreed to work closely at the international and regional fora on issues of mutual convergence,” he said. 

The two leaders also decided to regularly convene existing political and economic mechanisms, including consultations between the respective Foreign Ministries and to strengthen parliamentary collaboration. 

Three agreements and MoUs signed on the occasion included an agreement on mutual recognition in the fields of conformity assessment of products, standardization, metrology and technical Assistance. Furthermore, MoUs for developing further cooperation in the field of agriculture, defence cooperation, and a joint declaration was also issued at the conclusion of the Summit.

Pakistan-Turkey Relations

The spokesperson also informed the media that Prime Minister Imran Khan received a telephone call from Turkish President Recep Tayyib Erdogan, yesterday. Both leaders discussed issues of mutual interest including the situation in Afghanistan and agreed to further strengthen bilateral relations in all areas.

“The prime minister appreciated Turkey’s role and stressed the need for an inclusive, broad based and comprehensive political settlement in Afghanistan. The Prime Minister also highlighted Pakistan’s role in facilitating the US-Taliban peace agreement and the subsequent initiation of intra-Afghan negotiations,” he said. 

Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi paid an official visit to Germany at the invitation of his counterpart, Heiko Maas, from 12-13 April 2021. During the visit, the Foreign Minister held delegation level talks with his German counterpart. He also met with the President of the German Parliament, the media was informed. 

“The Foreign Minister’s other engagements included interaction with the German business leaders, investors, media, and members of the Pakistani community. During the meeting between the two Foreign Ministers, views were exchanged on the entire gamut of bilateral relations,” he elaborated. 

Bajwa-Bilken Telephonic conversation

The spokesperson also elaborated upon the telephonic conversation between The Chief of Army Staff (COAS), General Qamar Javed Bajwa, and the US Secretary of State, Antony J. Blinken. During the call, matters of mutual interest, including regional security situation, the latest developments in the Afghan Peace Process and bilateral cooperation in various fields were discussed, he said. 

“General Bajwa reiterated Pakistan’s support for the ‘Afghan led-Afghan Owned’ Peace Process based on mutual consensus of all stakeholders,” he elaborated. “Secretary Blinken also acknowledged Pakistan’s continuous efforts for peace and stability in the region and pledged to further enhance bilateral relations between both countries.” 

Kashmir and India

The FO strongly condemned the indiscriminate firing of heavy weapons and grenades on a Mosque in Shopian, IIOJK on 9 April 2021.

“In unabated acts of state-terrorism in IIOJK, the Indian occupation forces have martyred 5 more Kashmiris, including a 14-year-old juvenile and 10th grade student in so-called ‘cordon-and-search’ operations. Desecration of places of worship and extra-judicial killings of young Kashmiris including children are reflective of the moral bankruptcy of the Indian occupation forces,” he commented on the issue. 

These actions are in clear violation of the basic human norms and fundamental precepts of international law. Pakistan has repeatedly called for independent investigations under international scrutiny into these gross and systematic human rights violations, he added. 

He further called upon the international community to hold India accountable for these crimes against the Kashmiris people and work for peaceful resolution of the Jammu and Kashmir dispute in accordance with the relevant UNSC resolutions.

He also cited the multiple resolutions by the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) condemning India on its human rights violations in IIOJK and calling for the just and peaceful resolution of the Kashmir dispute in accordance with the relevant UN Security Council (UNSC) Resolutions.

Commenting on the recent news that India and Pakistan are engaged in backdoor diplomacy he said, “states have ways and means to communicate with other states which remain available even during wars.” 

“What is important is whether Pakistan is ready to talk to India; what needs to be discussed between the two sides; and whether a meaningful and result-oriented dialogue can take place under the current environment. Pakistan has never shied away from talks with India and has always underscored the need for a ‘meaningful dialogue’ and peaceful resolution of all outstanding disputes, including the core issue of Jammu and Kashmir.” 

FO reiterated its commitment to durable peace, security and development in the region hinge on peaceful resolution of the long-standing Jammu and Kashmir dispute.

“Unfortunately, India has vitiated the environment through its illegal and unilateral actions of 5 August 2019. The onus is, therefore, on India to create an enabling and conducive environment for a meaningful and result-oriented dialogue between the two countries,” he said reiterating Pakistan’s stance that India must undo its policies that have led to a deterioration of bilateral relations. 

Finally, the spokesperson detailed the Sikh Yatrees arriving in Pakistan,  as a Jatha of 818 Sikh Yatrees arrived in Pakistan on April 12 via Wagah Border. 

It has participated in the annual rituals of Baisakhi Festival at Gurdwara Panja Sahib. Yatrees are scheduled to visit different Gurdwaras during their stay from 12-22 April 2021, including a one night stay at Kartarpur for the first time, he told. 

“Prime Minister Imran Khan has once again sent a message of goodwill by allowing the Jatha to participate in Baisakhi Festival at Gurdwara Panja Sahib after a gap of one year. The Government of Pakistan especially relaxed the COVID-19 restrictions for Sikh Yatrees to send a message of Pakistan’s love and affection for the Sikh community across the world,” he said. 

The false spin by Indian media or any official statement alleging that Sikh Yatrees are stranded in Pakistan are unfortunate.

Pakistan remains committed to facilitating Sikhs from around the world, including from India, for visiting their religious sites, the spokesperson concluded. 


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