A complaint was filed in the cyber cell of Kolkata police against Swara Bhaskar for allegedly hurting the Hindu sentiments. The complainint was Raj Chowdhry, a resident of Park Circus.

The complaint was made after a recent tweet by the actress. Like various other celebrities Swara voiced her disapproval of the Taliban occupation of Afghanistan. And in doing so she also condemned the opprssive ideology of Hindutva in India. While many conceded with her views, it sparked the outrage of others.

The tweet demands introspection from the Hindu Indians, concerning the extremism in their own country. Soon after the tweet #BoycottSwaraBhasker started trending on twitter.

Hindutva is an extremist ideology of Hindu nationalism, it was taken up by BJP and is highly critical of secular policies of state. The ideology has motivated state sponsored terrorism against the minorities of India.

The story was filed by the News Desk. The Desk can be reached at info@thecorrespondent.com.pk.


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