ISLAMABAD: ​Foreign Minister Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi had a telephone call with Foreign Minister of Afghanistan Mr Hanif Atmar today. The two Foreign Ministers exchanged greetings and good wishes on the eve of Nowruz. 

​During the telephone call, the Pak-Afghan counterparts exchanged views on issues of mutual interest, including Pakistan-Afghanistan bilateral relations and the latest status of the Afghan peace process. 

​Reiterating Pakistan’s consistent support to the Afghan peace process, the Foreign Minister underlined that the Intra-Afghan Negotiations provided a historic opportunity to achieve an inclusive, broad-based and comprehensive political settlement in Afghanistan. The Foreign Minister urged Afghan parties to work constructively for a stable and peaceful Afghanistan’s shared objective. He underscored the need to remain cognizant of the challenges and impediments on the way, which could be overcome through patience, perseverance and persistence.  

​Foreign Minister Qureshi reaffirmed Pakistan’s resolve to facilitate all efforts for a negotiated political settlement and, in this context, also underlined the importance of exercising vigilance against the role of “spoilers.” 

​In the bilateral context, the Foreign Minister reiterated Pakistan’s commitment to forging closer cooperation with Afghanistan in all fields. He underlined the importance of APAPPS as a vital platform to carry forward the bilateral cooperation on key tracks. The Foreign Minister also emphasised the need for early conclusion of talks relating to the APTTA (Afghanistan-Pakistan Transit Trade Agreement). 

​Foreign Minister Qureshi extended an invitation to Foreign Minister Atmar to visit Pakistan at the earliest convenience. 


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