Chinese Ambassador to Pakistan Nong Rong has refused to postpone his visit to Balochistan despite a deadly bombing in Quetta that targetted his hotel, Balochistan Home Minister Ziaullah Langove reportedly said.

The target of the attack was the envoy, according to the sources in the military, who said that an explosive-laden vehicle parked in the parking lot of the hotel blew up minutes before Nong’s arrival.

Nong, who is on the visit to Balochistan for the past few days, is safe, said Interior Minister Sheikh Rasheed in a press conference on Thursday. “The Chinese envoy is safe and he has addressed a ceremony at [Quetta’s] Staff College today,” added Rasheed.

A similar statement was made by Ziaullah Langove. He said that the Chinese envoy is residing in the same hotel, adding that the envoy will continue his visit as planned.

On Wednesday night, a bomb ripped through Serena Hotel, leaving five dead and a dozen people injured.

Talking to reporters, Sheikh Rasheed said that in the wake of the Quetta blast, the interior ministry has issued a red alert across Pakistan. According to Rasheed, the ministry directed all 22 law enforcement agencies and intelligence agencies that come under its domain to stay on high alert.

He said the Frontier Corps will continue to stay in Quetta, adding that the government was planning to move the paramilitary force out of the city.


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