Following the US decision to pull out its troops from Afghanistan, Britain has announced to withdraw almost all its troops from the country.

“Britain will withdraw nearly all its troops from Afghanistan following the US plan to withdraw its troops by Sept. 11, 2021,” the Times reported on Tuesday.

Britain has drawn up plans to hand over control of the academy in Kabul where troops help to train Afghan soldiers to the Afghan government, the newspaper said. 

There are about 750 British soldiers in Afghanistan who would struggle without US support because of the reliance on US bases and infrastructure, according to the Times

Meanwhile, NATO has also hinted to withdraw all troops from Afghanistan in September.

German Defence Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer has been quoted as saying that “we always said we’ll go in together, we’ll leave together.”

Under a US-Taliban peace agreement signed in February 2020, all US forces stationed in Afghanistan must leave the country by May 1. But, sources close to the Taliban, have said that the Biden administration has asked the Taliban to agree on the presence of the US forces for another three to six months. 


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