Prime Minister Imran Khan has said that mafias are taking advantage of the lacunae in laws and system and do not allow the rule of law to be established in the country.

Addressing a ceremony held to issue farmers “Kisan card” in Dera Ismail Khan, the premier said that the big mafias take advantage of the corrupt system.

“Whenever law of the land lay hand on them, they ask for NRO. The country cannot prosper if such practices continue,” he added.

The prime minister, without naming anyone, said that these mafias own properties worth billions of rupees, but they could not prove how they got the property.

“They cannot produce a receipt of property, instead they abscond and deliver speeches from abroad,” the premier added.

Prime Minister Imran said that we have to think of prosperity of the country, we have to think of the next generations instead of next elections.

“We have to fight against mafias to establish writ of law in the country, and we will succeed in our fight,” he continued.

He highlighted the importance of making Pakistan self-sufficient in food and agriculture.

He said that Pakistan’s already large population is growing at a rapid pace and “we have to increase agriculture produce to feed it.” 

About the farmers’ issues, the prime minister said they were earning handsome money for the first time during the PTI’s rule. 

“We [PTI-led government] pressurised the sugar mafia to release payments to farmers which they were previously withholding,” he said.

However, he lamented that Pakistan had to import wheat despite growing food crops.

“Prices of food crops across the globe increased. Since we are importing them, inflation increased,” he said.

“Today, where we stand in terms of population, we have to focus on primary education and basic health because these two keep a population from growing astronomically,” he added. 

The premier said that his government was now planning to make Pakistan self-sufficient in food and would ensure maximum storage in water. 

“We will do this so that whenever food prices increase around the world, Pakistanis here can eat daal,” he said.

ISLAM FOR PERSONAL GAIN: The prime minister began his address by saying that he is “not one of those people who use Islam for personal gains,” adding that he has studied Islamic history and the life of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). 

He urged students to study the seerat of the Holy Prophet (PBUH), adding that Pakistanis did not study Islam in-depth and did not observe commandments of Allah and hadees of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) due to which the country was in crisis. 

“Allah has sent the Holy Quran for our salvation. It is for your betterment,” he said. 

PM Imran Khan said he would try to “change the nation”, adding that his government will defeat the mafias that were against Pakistan’s interests. 


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