The National Command and Operation Centre has revealed that during the last 24 hours, most coronavirus deaths occurred in the province of Punjab, closely followed by Sindh. A total of 71 people lost their lives while 2463 people tested positive for the virus on 31 December.

Currently, as of January 2021, total active COVID-19 cases have reached 34,773. The amount of tests conducted on 31 December was 41,039 tests; Sindh: 13,383, Punjab: 16,617, Khyber Pakhtunkhua (KP): 5,371, Islamabad: 4,449, Balochistan: 520, Gilgit-Baltistan (GB): 371, Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK): 328.

Pakistan has seen 437,229 recoveries from the virus so far, with no current patients on ventilators in AJK, GB and Balochistan.

A total of 482,178 cases detected so far; AJK: 8277, Balochistan: 18168, GB: 4857, Islamabad: 37888, KP: 58701, Punjab: 138608, Sindh: 215679.

The collective tally of deaths in Pakistan has amounted to 10176; Sindh: 3560, Punjab: 4042, KP: 1649, Islamabad: 419, Balochistan: 183, GB: 101, AJK: 222.

Pakistan has conducted 6,737,107 tests so far, with 626 hospitals facilitated to deal with COVID-19 and 2,693 patients admitted across the country.


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