In response to US airstrike and threats the Taliban spokesperson Suhail Shaheen stated that US had no right to attack Afghanistan after August 31st.

This statetment comes after the Pentagon conducted a drone strike in Nangarhar province of Afghanistan. The attack in Daesh had allegedly killed two men associated with Islamic State.

The American President Joe Biden also vowed to continue the airstrikes against IS to avenge the death of 13 US troops. Two suicide bombings killed scores of Afghans and 13 Us citizens on the gate of Kabul airport.

The Pentagon however still hasn’t clarified whether the two deceased had any direct involvement in the suicide bombings. “Initial indications are that we killed the target. We know of no civilian casualties,” a US military statement had said. 

Suhail Shaheen claimed that the US had no right to operate in Afghan territory and any attack after 31st will be stopped by the Taliban government.

Another taliban spokesperson Zabbihullah Mujahid condemned the US air strike calling it a “clear attack on Afghan territory”, he said that the US should have informed the Afghan government prior to the attack.

On the topic of the new government Mujahid stated that the new cabinet will be decided ‘in a week or two’.

Responding to a question about whether any women would be included in the new cabinet, he said this would be a matter for the leadership to decide and he could not anticipate what their decision would be.

The story was filed by the News Desk. The Desk can be reached at


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