On Thursday, the Foreign Office (FO) condemned India’s organized tactic of a mass disinformation campaign to malign Pakistan and international institutions.

In a press conference, FO spokesperson Zahid Hafeez Chaudhri criticised India’s actions in the report as mischievous.

He further said that “All such attempts are doomed to fail as Pakistan has already put forth irrefutable evidence, extensively documenting India’s active planning, promoting, aiding, abetting, financing and executing terrorist activities in Pakistan.”

The report is a vindication for Pakistan and substantiates Pakistan’s position in front of the International community, said Chaudhri.

Zahid further added that Indian government should refrain from using false propaganda as its state policy towards neighbourng countries.

“By spreading such falsehoods, India can neither cast a shadow on the international stature of Pakistan nor can divert the attention of the international community from India’s horrendous human rights record.”

In his tweet, Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi also condemned India’s plans.


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