Ivanka Trump has reportedly given more importance to her “bright political career” than father Donald and plans to attend President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration on January 20.

Her plan has angered her dad who has publicly stated that he would not attend the ceremony.

The Daily Mail reported that Ivanka fears her “promising political career is in jeopardy” and is doing “whatever she can to save her reputation”.

The newspaper quoted a White House source who claims Donald Trump is protesting against her decision.

The source claimed that Trump felt it an insult that Ivanka would even “want to engage with the crooks that are trying to bring him down.”

Trump has told Ivanka that her decision will cost her thousands of supporters and “would be the worst decision she could ever make,” the source added.

“She said she has to protect her own political aspirations and isn’t about to muck it all up by attending her dad’s 2024 campaign kick-off which is set for the same day. She’s leaving that for her dad and Don Jr,” said the source.

However, there are conflicting news whether Ivanka will attend the ceremony as, it is learnt, she has not yet received invitation.

If Trump does not attend Biden’s inauguration as announced earlier, he would break a long tradition that goes back to 1869.

The story was filed by the News Desk. The Desk can be reached at info@thecorrespondent.com.pk.


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