PKK’s offshoot YPG launches a missile attack wounding 17. The group is responsible for over 40,000 deaths, and has been listed as terrorist organisation by the EU, US and Turkey

The YPG/PKK terrorist organization launched a missile attack wounding at least 17 people in northern Syria’s al-Bab district.

The district had been previously cleared of terrorists through Turkey’s Operation Euphrates Shield, one of the three successful anti-terror operations Turkey has launched since 2016.

On Friday, the Residential areas of the district were targeted by over ten separate missile attacks.

The YPG/PKK terror group often mounts attacks on Jarabulus, Afrin and Azaz city from Syria’s Manbij and Tel Rifat areas, which remain under its occupation.

The PKK is listed as a terrorist organization by Turkey, the US and the European Union. It has been responsible for the deaths of 40,000 people, including women, children and infants, during its more than 30 years of terror campaign against Turkey. YPG is PKK’s Syrian offshoot.


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